Public Tours of Race Point Lighthouse
- Schedule -
The Race Point Lighthouse will be open for touring on the
1st and 3rd Sundays in June, July, August and September 2025. You can get to the lighthouse by walking or your own four-wheel drive vehicle with the proper permit;
we do not provide public transportation for the tower tours.
The lighthouse will be open from 10:00am to 2:00pm. 2025 Tour Dates: (updated 2/2/2025)
June 15
July 6
July 20
August 3
August 7 - Open for National Lighthouse Day!
August 17
September 7
September 21
Tour Guidelines:
- Suggested $5 donation per person to climb (Under 8 and over 60 - exempt)
- Only 5 people at a time inside the lamp room. When in the lamp room be very careful of the trap door.
- No one is allowed outside on the gallery (catwalk).
- Children must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian who is at least 18 years old.
- Children under age 4 are not permitted to climb the ladder from the watch room to the lamp room.
- Appropriate shoe wear is mandatory at all times; no bare feet or flip-flops.
- No pets/ animals are permitted.
Don’t forget your camera. There is even a gift shop! Email Ron at for more information regarding the tower tours. All donations are deeply appreciated and directly benefit Race Point. Stop by on your way to Hatches Harbor!
**Note: The touring season will be suspended if any of the various federally-protected shore birds have nested and block access to the lighthouse. Once the chicks fledge, tours will resume.